
Last week was busy. Monday I took the boys to Flat Fork Creek Park for a little adventure time. We walked through the woods on the trails, climbed the big hill, and ate a picnic lunch. The boys we so well behaved the entire time, it was clearly exactly what we all needed. I loved having the alone time with them as we aren't getting much of that lately. This hill was huge! They climbed to the top (not following the trail) and ran down just laughing away.  They enjoyed rolling down this hill. Gavin ended up rolling right on a bee and getting stung, but he didn't even cry! He just whimpered for a second and moved on.  We took our first family bike ride to feed the ducks last week as well. Both boys need helmets as they have both outgrown theirs and Gavin is outgrowing his bike very fast, but we had such a good time. I am SO thankful that we are able to enjoy this time together. These are things we typically wouldn't be able to do because of


We are really blessed with how E-learning is going for both of the kiddos. First, overall, Gavin loves it. He is always asking about his "homework" and what we are going to do next. His teacher lays out what the plans are for the week in a super simple, easy to read, document, and we follow it. To be honest, some days take 30 minutes to complete and others take 2 hours. It truly depends on Gavin and how into it he is.  Playing War.  Lesson for the day was Family. He drew our family. He is the biggest and Mayson is the tiny spec of a person you can barely see. He thought that was hilarious.  Bug themed number splat. Call a number and Splat it like a bug.  Letter walk. Jump over the letter saying the letter and letter sounds.  Make a grocery list.  Trace the groceries.  Google chat with his teacher and his friends. This was the first week for this. He lit up seeing his friends. He was so chatty and excited. It was absolutely adorab

Groce Family

This is us. Matt, Lacey, Mayson (6), Gavin (4) and our little maltese Chloe. In order to save pictures, pass the pandemic time, and not flood Facebook all the time (because let's be real, it can suck you in quickly). I decided to start this blog to journal our lives in a way that 1) I remember everything and 2) I can show the boys later in life, a scrapbook of sorts. So let's start with a little about us right now.  Matt is working for Duke Realty as a Tax analyst (still to this day do not have a clue what he does exactly, I just know he is smart with numbers and it makes him pretty good with this job).  He continues to be obsess with Dr. Pepper and candy, habits I don't think we will ever break. He teases everyone he loves and is a jokester 95% of the time. In November 2019 he started having back pain radiating down his leg. Oh no, here we go again right? After a discetomy in 2015 while I was pregnant, we hoped this wouldn't ever occur again. He was given some med